Publikationen Materialien und Korrosion
Alle Felder öffnenAlle Felder schließen
A. Purwitasari, C. Oskay, A. Heinzel, R. Fetzer, A. Weisenburger, G. Müller
Corrosion of austenitic stainless steels in liquid Pb with 2E-7 wt% oxygen at 600 and 700 °C
Corrosion Science (244) (2025), 11265,1DOI: 10.1016/j.corsci.2024.112651
F. Sutter, G. Alkan, N. Benameur, S. Marlin, G. San Vicente, A. Morales, T.J. Reche Navarro, A.C. González Alves, L. Martínez Arcos, D. Benítez, A. Fernández-García, C. Oskay, C. Grimme
Thermal and environmental durability of novel particles for Concentrated solar thermal technologies
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 281 (2025), 113316, DOI: 10.1016/j.solmat.2024.113316
E.M.H. White, L.M. Rueschhoff, S.W. Martin, I.E. Anderson
Novel One-Step Production of Carbon-Coated Sn Nanoparticles for High-Capacity Anodes in Lithium-Ion Batteries
Batteries 10 (2024), 386, DOI: 10.3390/batteries10110386
A. Kulig, C. Oskay, L. Mengis, B. Nowak,, M.C. Galetz, U. Glatzel, H. Daoud
Improvement of fatigue life by aluminizing of additive manufactured Fe- and Ni-base alloy
Surface and Coatings Technology 494 (2024), 131493, DOI: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2024.131493
J.P. Zander, S. Lederer, W. Fürbeth
Additively Manufactured Ti2Mo for Biomedical Applications Surface Engineering and Corrosion Properties
Proceedings of the 15th World Conference on Titanium Chapter 3: Biomedical & Healthcare Applications (2024), DOI: 10.7490/f1000research.1119883.1
M. Jawańska, J. Dąbrowa, M. Bik, Ł. Rogal, G. Cieślak, A. Gil, M.C. Galetz, J. Jedliński
Effect of Hf on high-temperature oxidation behavior of chromia-forming AlxCoCrFeNi alloys
Corrosion Science 240 (2024), 112455, DOI: 10.1016/j.corsci.2024.112455
E.M.H. White, L.M. Rueschhoff, T. Kobayashi, J.Z. Bloh, S.W. Martin, I.E. Anderson
One-Step Spark Plasma Erosion Processing of Carbon-Coated Sn-Si Nanoparticles for Lithium-Ion Battery Anodes
Surfaces 7 (2024;),:725-738, DOI: 10.3390/surfaces7030047
B. Öztürk, M. Rudolphi, E.M.H. White, D. Dickes, U. Glatzel, M.C. Galetz
Influence of Water Vapor on the Oxidation of Pure Titanium
High Temperature Corrosion of mater. 101 (2024), 1341-1351, DOI: 10.1007/s11085-024-10288-1
F. Cao, A. Donchev, M.C. Galetz, M. Myers, N. Ma, C. Chun
Effect of CO on the corrosion behavior of 304 stainless steel in wet CO2 gas at 710°C
Mater. Corros. (2024), 1-9, DOI: 10.1002/maco.202414312
A.S. Ulrich, S. Kasatikov, T. König, A. Fantin, J.T. Margraf, M.C. Galetz
Decreased Metal Dusting Resistance of Ni-Cu Alloys by Fe and Mn Additions
High Temperature Corrosion of Materials (2024), DOI: 10.1007/s11085-024-10263-w
C. Schlereth, E.M.H. White, M.C. Galetz
Methods to mitigate metal dusting in syngas production
Nitrogen+Syngas July/August 2024
M. Kerbstadt, K. Ma, E.M.H. White, A.J. Knowles, M.C. Galetz
Novel Chromium-Silicon Slurry Coatings for Hot Corrosion Environments
High Temperature Corrosion of mater. 101 (2024), 1077-1089 , DOI: 10.1007/s11085-024-10257-8
T. König, S.P. Hagen, S. Virtanen, M.C. Galetz
Hot corrosion Type I of novel Co-based γ/γ′ superalloys with and without Al- and Cr-diffusion coatings
Materials and Corrosion (2024), DOI: 10.1002/maco.202414351
B. Öztürk, E.M.H. White, D. Dickes, U. Glatzel, L. Mengis, M.C. Galetz
Improved tribological behavior of Ti-6Al-4V through a novel zirconium diffusion coating
Surface and Coatings Technology 487 (2024), 130993, DOI: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2024.130993
K. Beck, T. König, A. Case, C. Oskay, M.C. Galetz
Hot corrosion behavior of Mo-9.0Si-8.0B
Mater. Corros. (2024), 1-10, DOI: 10.1002/maco.202414347
C. Grimme, K. Ma, R. Kupec, C. Oskay, E.M.H. White, A.J. Knowles, M.C. Galetz
Nanocrystalline Y2O3-modified metal matrix composite coatings with improved resistance to thermocyclic oxidation and V2O5-induced type II hot corrosion
Surface and Coatings Technology 485 (2024), 130891, DOI: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2024.130891
D. Kniep, S. Schewe, M. Rudolphi, M.C. Galetz
Hydrogen permeation and embrittlement behavior of ferritic SOEC/SOFC interconnect candidates
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2024), DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2024.03.337
K. Beck, A.S. Ulrich, N. Thor, C. Oskay, M.C. Galetz
Chromium diffusion coatings for improving the oxidation behavior of refractory metals at intermediate temperatures
International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials 121 (2024), 106626, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrmhm.2024.106626
L. Koliotassis, E.M.H. White, M.C. Galetz
The Influence of Mo Content and Annealing on the Oxidation Behavior of Arc-Melted Cr–xMo–8Si Alloys
Advanced Engineering Materials 2301906 (2024), DOI: 10.1002/adem.202301906
N.-C. Petry, N. Thor, J. Bernauer, A.S. Ulrich, E. Ionescu, R. Riedel, A. Pundt, M.C. Galetz, M. Lepple
Oxidation Resistance and Microstructural Analysis of Polymer-Derived (HfxTa1−x)C/SiC Ceramic Nanocomposites
Adv. Eng. Mater. 26 (2024), 2302023, DOI: 10.1002/adem.202302023
D. Dickes, Y. Zhao, F. Baier, B. Öztürk, R. Völkl;, T. Li, M.C. Galetz, U. Glatzel
Influence of oxygen ingress on microstructure and phase formation during two-step oxidation surface hardening of TiZrNbHfTa high entropy alloy
Appl. Phys. Lett. 124 (2024), 071903, DOI: 10.1063/5.0190771
J. Bernauer, N.-C. Petry, N. Thor, S.A. Kredel, D.T. Teppala, M.C. Galetz, M. Lepple, A. Pundt, E. Ionescu, R. Riedel
Exceptional Hardness and Thermal Properties of SiC/(Hf,Ta)C(N)/(B)C Ceramic Composites Derived from Single-Source Precursor
Adv. Eng. Mater.. 26 (2024), 2301864, DOI: 10.1002/adem.202301864
C. Schlereth, M. Weiser, E. White, P. Felfer, M.C. Galetz
Oxide scale microstructure and failure mechanism of alloy 601 under varying metal dusting conditions
Journal of Materials Science (2024), DOI: 10.1007/s10853-023-09260-2
E.M.H. White, M.-L. Bürckner, C. Schlereth, M. Bik, M.C. Galetz
High-Temperature Oxidation Behavior of FeCoCrNi+(Cu/Al)-Based High-Entropy Alloys in Humid Air
Crystals 14 (2024), 60, DOI: 10.3390/cryst14010060
P. O’Kelly, A. Watson, G. Schmidt, M.C. Galetz, A.J. Knowles
Ti-Fe Phase Evolution and Equilibria Toward β-Ti Superalloys
Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion 44 (2023), 738-750, DOI: 10.1007/s11669-023-01066-8
M. Kerbstadt, E.M.H. White, M.C. Galetz
Novel Cr/Si-Slurry Diffusion Coatings for High Temperatures
Materials 16 (2023), 7480; DOI: 10.3390/ma16237480
K. Beck, A.S. Ulrich, A.K. Czerny, E.M.H. White, M. Heilmaier, M.C. Galetz
Aluminide diffusion coatings for improving the pesting behavior of refractory metals
Surface and Coatings Technology 476 (2024), 130205, DOI: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2023.130205
T. König, B. Burek, M.C. Galetz
Effect of Crystal Orientation of AlN Coatings on its High Temperature Oxidation in Wet Air
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 44 (2024), 841-849, DOI: 10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2023.10.001
K. Beck, F. Hinrichs, C. Oskay, A.S. Ulrich, M. Heilmaier, M.C. Galetz
Chromium Diffusion Coatings for Mo-Based Silicides to Improve Their Oxidation Resistance
Coatings 13 (2023), 1712, DOI: 10.3390/coatings13101712
N.-C. Petry, M. Bik, Ł. Wilk, R. Swadźba, A.S. Ulrich, M. Sitarz, M. Lepple, M.C. Galetz
Polymer-derived SiAlOC coating to improve the high-temperature resistance of chromium
Surface and Coatings Technology 474 (2023), 130049, DOI: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2023.130049
C. Schlereth, E.M.H. White, M. Lepple, B. Nowak, H. Hattendorf, M.C. Galetz
Influence of surface treatment on metal dusting resistance of welds
Materials and Corrosion (2023), DOI: 10.1002/maco.202313954
B. Grégoire, X. Montero, M.C. Galetz, G. Bonnet, F. Pedraza
Effect of chromium and silicon additions on the hot corrosion resistance of nickel aluminide coatings
Corrosion Science 224 (2023), 111517, DOI: 10.1016/j.corsci.2023.111517
R. Sottor, R. Gruen, K. Kremmer, S. Lederer, M. Schneider, W. Fuerbeth
Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation on Magnesium AZ31 with Sepiolite as Inhibitor Carrier for Improved Corrosion Protection
Corros. Mater. Degrad. 2023, 4(3), 488-502
L. Mengis, C. Oskay, N. Laska, M.C. Galetz
Synthesis, oxidation resistance and mechanical properties of a Cr2AlC-based MAX-phase coating on TiAl
Intermetallics 163 (2023), 108039, DOI: 10.1016/j.intermet.2023.108039
K. Ma, T. Blackburn, J.P. Magnussen, M. Kerbstadt, P.A. Ferreirós, T. Pinomaa, C. Hofer, D.G. Hopkinson, S.J. Day e, P.A.J. Bagot, M.P. Moody, M.C. Galetz, A.J. Knowles
Chromium-based bcc-superalloys strengthened by iron supplements
Acta Materialia 257 (2023), 119183, DOI: 10.1016/j.actamat.2023.119183
M. Jawańska, J. Dąbrowa, M. Bik, G. Cieślak, P. Jeleń, K. Mroczka, J. Wyrwa, Ł. Rogal, A. Gil, M.C. Galetz, J. Jedliński
Role of the rare-earth elements effect in transforming the oxidation behavior of AlxCoCrFeNi high entropy alloys
Corrosion Science 222 (2023), 111412, DOI: 10.1016/j.corsci.2023.111412
S. Benfer, J.Z. Bloh, S. Funk, C. Langer, S. Läufer, S. Lederer, A. Pashkova, E.B. Sa, W. Fürbeth
Mit photokatalytischen Eloxalschichten die Luftqualität verbessern
Galvanotechnik 7/2023
M. Bik, M.C. Galetz, L. Mengis, E. White, W. Wieczorek, K. Łyszczarz, K. Mroczka, J. Marchewka, M. Sitarz
Oxidation behaviour of uncoated and PDC-SiAlOC glass-coated TiAl at 750 °C in dry and humid air
Applied Surface Science 632 (2023), 157601, DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2023.157601
A.S. Ulrich, C. Schlereth, B. Grégoire, F. Sutter, C. Oskay, C. Hildebrandt, M.C. Galetz
Cr–Mn-diffusion coatings on VM12: In situ spinel formation with high solar absorptance for concentrated solar plants
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 257 (2023), 112382, DOI: 10.1016/j.solmat.2023.112382
M. Schneider, K. Kremmer, W. Fürbeth, S. Lederer, R. Sottor
Sepiolite reinforced PEO layer on AZ 31
Surface & Coatings Technology 459 (2023) 129369
D. Dickes, B. Öztürk, F. Baier, P. Berger, E.P. George, R. Völkl, M.C. Galetz, U. Glatzel
Surface hardening of TiZrNbHfTa high entropy alloy via oxidation
Corrosion Science 217 (2023), 111159, DOI: 10.1016/j.corsci.2023.111159
B. Grégoire, X. Montero, M.C. Galetz, G. Bonnet, F. Pedraza
Resistance of slurry aluminide coatings on pure nickel under different sulphidizing/Hot corrosion conditions at 700 °C
Corrosion Science 216 (2023), 111092, DOI: 10.1016/j.corsci.2023.111092
M. Schneider, K. Kremmer, W. Fürbeth, S. Lederer, R. Sottor
Sepiolite reinforced PEO layer on AZ 31
Surface & Coatings Technology 459 (2023) 129369, DOI: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2023.129369
Stephan Lederer, Sigrid Benfer, Jonathan Bloh, Rezan Javed, Aneta Pashkova, and Wolfram Fuerbeth
Development of Photocatalytically Active Anodized Layers by a Modified Phosphoric Acid Anodizing Process for Air Purification
Corros. Mater. Degrad. 2023, 4(1), 18-30
S. Benfer, J.Z. Bloh, S. Funk, C. Langer, S. Läufer, S. Lederer, A. Pashkova, E.B. Sa, W. Fürbeth
Entwicklung photokatalytischer Eloxalschichten
Jahrbuch Oberflächentechnik Band 78, S.259-273
S. Schellert, M. Weber, H.J. Christ, C. Wiktor, B. Butz, M.C. Galetz, S. Laube, A. Kauffmann, M. Heilmaier, B. Gorr
Formation of rutile (Cr,Ta,Ti)O2 oxides during oxidation of refractory high entropy alloys in Ta-Mo-Cr-Ti-Al system
Corrosion Science 211 (2023), 110885, DOI: 10.1016/j.corsci.2022.110885
N. Thor, J. Bernauer, N.-C. Petry, E. Ionescu, R. Riedel, A. Pundt, H.-J. Kleebe
Microstructural evolution of Si(HfxTa1−x)(C)N polymer-derived ceramics upon high-temperature anneal
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 43 (2023), 1417-1431, DOI: 10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2022.11.060
P. Hutterer, M. Lepple
Influence of composition on structural evolution of high-entropy zirconates—cationic radius ratio and atomic size difference
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 106 (2023), DOI: 10.1111/jace.18832
E. White, C. Schlereth, M. Lepple, H. Hattendorf, B. Nowak, M.C. Galetz
Influence of surface treatment on the metal dusting behavior of alloy 699 XA
Materials and Corrosion (2023), DOI: 10.1002/maco.202213380
T. König, S.P. Hagen, S. Virtanen, M.C. Galetz
Development of Cr and Al Pack Cementation Coatings on Co-Based γ/γ′ Superalloys
Metall Mater Trans A (2022), DOI: 10.1007/s11661-022-06807-x
M.-L. Bürckner, L. Mengis, E.M.H. White, M.C. Galetz
Influence of copper and aluminum substitution on high-temperature oxidation of the FeCoCrNiMn “Cantor” alloy
Materials and Corrosion 74 (2023), 79-90, DOI: 10.1002/maco.202213382
F. Hinrichs, A. Kauffmann, A. Srinivasan Tirunilai, D. Schliephake, B. Beichert, G. Winkens, K. Beck, A.S. Ulrich, M.C. Galetz, Z. Long, H. Thota, Y. Eggeler, A. Pundt, M. Heilmaier
A novel nitridation- and pesting-resistant Cr-Si-Mo alloy
Corrosion Science 207 (2022), 110566, DOI: 10.1016/j.corsci.2022.110566
Michael Schneider, Wolfram Fürbeth
Anodizing - The pore makes the difference
Materials and Corrosion 73 (2022), DOI: 10.1002/maco.202213324
C. Schlereth, K. Hack, M.C. Galetz
Parameters to estimate the metal dusting attack in different gases
Corrosion Science 206 (2022), 110483, DOI: 10.1016/j.corsci.2022.110483
M.C. Galetz, A.S. Ulrich, G. Hasemann, M. Krüger
Refractory metal-based high entropy silicide-borides: The future of materials beyond MoSiB?
Intermetallics 148 (2022), 107620, DOI: 10.1016/j.intermet.2022.107620
R. Troncy, L. Boccaccini, G. Bonnet, X. Montero, M.C. Galetz, F. Pedraza
Synthesis of self-healing NiAl-Al2O3 composite coatings by electrochemical way
Surface and Coatings Technology 441 (2022), 128579, DOI: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2022.128579
A.S. Ulrich, A.J. Knowles, V. Cantatore, A. Bhowmik, M.T. Wharmby, C. Geers, I. Panas, M.C. Galetz
Pt accelerated coarsening of A15 precipitates in Cr-Si alloys
Materials & Design 218 (2022), 110655, DOI: 10.1016/j.matdes.2022.110655
N.-C. Petry, A.S. Ulrich, B. Feng, E. Ionescu, M.C. Galetz, M. Lepple
Oxidation resistance of ZrB2-based monoliths using polymer-derived Si(Zr,B)CN as sintering aid
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 105 (2022), 5380-5394, DOI: 10.1111/jace.18473
C. Schlereth, C. Oskay, H. Hattendorf, B. Nowak, M.C. Galetz
Influence of Al and Fe additions on metal dusting of NiCr alloys
Materials and Corrosion 73 (2022), 1346-1358, DOI: 10.1002/maco.202112935
X. Montero, R. Naraparaju, M.C. Galetz, U. Schulz
Study of CMAS infiltration and evaporation behaviour under water vapour/sulphur oxide conditions in EB-PVD 7YSZ
Corrosion Science 198 (2022), 110123, DOI: 10.1016/j.corsci.2022.110123
B. Öztürk, L. Mengis, D. Dickes, U. Glatzel, M.C. Galetz
Influence of Water Vapor and Temperature on the Oxide Scale Growth and Alpha-Case Formation in Ti-6Al-4V Alloy
Oxidation of Metals 97 (2022), 241-260, DOI: 10.1007/s11085-021-10088-x
M. Bik, M.C. Galetz, J. Dąbrowa, K. Mroczka, P. Zając, A. Gil, P. Jeleń, M. Gawęda, M. Owińska, M. Stygar, M. Zajusz, J. Wyrwa, M. Sitarz
Polymer Derived Ceramics based on SiAlOC glasses as novel protective coatings for ferritic steel
Applied Surface Science 576 B (2022), 151826, DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2021.151826
S. Hagen, K. Beck, D. Kubacka, H.-E. Zschau, M.C. Galetz, E. Spiecker, S. Virtanen
Protective Alumina Scale Growth at 900 °C for a Ni- and Cr-Free Co-Base Model Alloy with γ/γ’-Microstructure: Synergistic Effects by Combining Shot-Peening and Halogenation
Oxidation of Metals 97 (2022), 209-226, DOI: 10.1007/s11085-021-10087-y
M. Mosbacher, M. Hilzenthaler, M.C. Galetz, U. Glatzel
Oxygen diffusion hardened zirconium alloy ZrNb7 – tribological properties derived from calo wear and wheel on flat experiments
Tribology International 165 (2022), 107304, DOI: 10.1016/j.triboint.2021.107304
T. König, M.C. Galetz, B. Albert
Application of the pack cementation process on SiC/SiC ceramic matrix composites
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 41 (2021), 101-112, DOI: 10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2021.09.027
Stephan Lederer, Serkan Arat, Wolfram Fürbeth
Influence of Process Parameters on the Tribological Behavior of PEO Coatings on CP-Titanium 4+ Alloys for Biomedical Applications
Materials 2021, 14(18), 5364
A. Donchev, L. Mengis, A. Couret, S. Mayer, H. Clemens, M.C. Galetz
Effects of tungsten alloying and fluorination on the oxidation behavior of intermetallic titanium aluminides for aerospace applications
Intermetallics 139 (2021), 107270, DOI: 10.1016/j.intermet.2021.107270
F. Sutter, C. Oskay, M.C. Galetz, T. Diamantino, F. Pedrosa, I. Figueira, S. Glumm, A. Bonk, A. Agüero, S. Rodríguez, T..J. Reche-Navarro, S. Caron
Dynamic corrosion testing of metals in solar salt for concentrated solar power
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 232 (2021), 111331, DOI: j.solmat.2021.111331
D. Dickes, B. Öztürk, R. Völkl, M.C. Galetz, U. Glatzel
Improving the Adhesion of a Hard Oxide Layer on Ti6Al4V by a Three-Step Thermal Oxidation Process
Materials and Corrosion 24 (2022), 2100864, DOI: 10.1002/adem.202100864
Sigrid Benfer, Marco Thomä, Guntram Wagner, Benjamin Straß, Bernd Wolter, Wolfram Fürbeth
Investigations on Corrosion Properties of Ultrasound-Enhanced Friction-Stir-Welded Aluminum/Dual-Phase Steel Joints
steel research int. 2021, 2100249
A. Solimani, T.M. Meißner, C. Oskay, M.C. Galetz
Electroless Ni-P coatings on low-Cr steels: A cost-efficient solution for solar thermal applications
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 231 (2021), 111312, DOI: 10.1016/j.solmat.2021.111312
Mario Markić, Serkan Arat, Wolfram Fürbeth
Effect of AC interference on the corrosion behavior of cathodically protected mild steel in an artificial soil solution. Part I: Investigation on formed corrosion product layer
Materials and Corrosion, 2022
B. Feng, A.K. Fetzer, A.S. Ulrich, M.C. Galetz, H.-J. Kleebe, E. Ionescu
Monolithic ZrB2-based UHTCs using polymer-derived Si(Zr,B)CN as sintering aid
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 105 (2022), 99-110, DOI: 10.1111/jace.18038
P. Pfizenmaier, A.S. Ulrich, M.C. Galetz, U. Glatzel
Tensile Creep Properties of Cr-Si Alloys at 980 °C in Air—Influence of Ge and Mo Addition
Metals 11 (2021), 1072, DOI: 10.3390/met11071072
K. Jahns, A.S. Ulrich, C. Schlereth, L. Reiff, U. Krupp, M.C. Galetz
The Effect of Cu Content and Surface Finish on the Metal Dusting Resistance of Additively Manufactured NiCu Alloys
Oxidation of Metals 96 (2021), 241-256, DOI: 10.1007/s11085-021-10037-8
C. Schlereth, M.C. Galetz
Effect of Total Pressure and Furnace Tube Material on the Oxidation of T22 in Humidified Air
Oxidation of Metals 96 (2021), 3-15, DOI: 10.1007/s11085-021-10036-9
W. Fürbeth, S. Kolisnychenko (Eds.)
Corrosion. Protection of Structural Metals and Alloys (2019-2020)
Trans Tech Publications, Baech, Switzerland, June 2021
W. Fürbeth, S. Kolisnychenko (Eds.)
Corrosion. Protection of Structural Metals and Alloys (2017-2018)
Trans Tech Publications, Baech, Switzerland, May 2021
A.S. Ulrich, U. Glatzel, M.C. Galetz
Discontinuities in Oxidation Kinetics: A New Model and its Application to Cr–Si-Base Alloys
Oxidation of Metals 95 (2021), 445-465, DOI: 10.1007/s11085-021-10029-8
M. Mosbacher, M. Holzinger, M.C. Galetz, U. Glatzel
The Influence of Oxide Color on the Surface Characteristics of Zirconium Alloy ZrNb7 (wt%) After Different Heat Treatments
Oxidation of Metals 95 (2021), 377-388, DOI: 10.1007/s11085-021-10030-1
T.M. Meißner, C. Oskay, A. Bonk, B. Grégoire, A. Donchev, A. Solimani, M.C. Galetz
Improving the corrosion resistance of ferritic-martensitic steels at 600 °C in molten solar salt via diffusion coatings
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 227 (2021), 111105, DOI: 10.1016/j.solmat.2021.111105
L. Mengis, C. Grimme, M.C. Galetz
Tribological properties of the uncoated and aluminized Ti–48Al–2Cr–2Nb TiAl alloy at high temperatures
Wear 477 (2021), 203818, DOI: 10.1016/j.wear.2021.203818
C. Grimme, C. Oskay, L. Mengis, M.C. Galetz
High temperature wear behavior of δ-Ni2Al3 and β-NiAl coatings formed on pure nickel using pack cementation process and diffusion heat treatment
Wear 477 (2021), 203850, DOI: 10.1016/j.wear.2021.203850
G. Huber, O. Machhammer, M. Lepple, C. Weidlich, C.‐H. Dustmann, A. Hartenbach
Konzept einer autarken elektrischen und thermischen Energieversorgung auf Basis von Photovoltaik
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 93 (2021), 664-672, DOI: 10.1002/cite.202000142
M.C. Galetz, C. Schlereth, E.M.H. White
Behavior of copper‐containing high‐entropy alloys in harsh metal‐dusting environments
Materials and Corrosion 72 (2021), 1232-1242, DOI: 10.1002/maco.202012075
M. Rudolphi, M.C. Galetz, M. Schütze
Mechanical Stability Diagrams for Thermal Barrier Coating Systems
Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 30 (2021), 694-707, DOI: 10.1007/s11666-021-01163-5
B. Grégoire, C. Oskay, T.M. Meißner, M.C. Galetz
Corrosion performance of slurry aluminide coatings in molten NaCl-KCl
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 223 (2021), 110974, DOI: 10.1016/j.solmat.2021.110974
L. Mengis, C. Oskay, A. Donchev, M.C. Galetz
Critical assessment of the cyclic oxidation resistance of the aluminized Ti-48Al-2Cr-2Nb TiAl alloy at 700 °C and its impact on mechanical properties
Surface and Coatings Technology 406 (2021), 126646, DOI: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2020.126646
Wolfram Fürbeth (Ed.)
Advanced Coatings for Corrosion Protection
MDPI Books, Basel, January 2021
L. Mengis, A.S. Ulrich, P. Watermeyer, C.H. Liebscher, M.C. Galetz
Oxidation behaviour and related microstructural changes of two β0–phase containing TiAl alloys between 600 °C and 900 °C
Corrosion Science 178 (2021), 109085, DOI: 10.1016/j.corsci.2020.109085
M. Lepple, S.V. Ushakov, K. Lilova, C.A. Macauley, A.N. Fernandez, C.G. Levi, A. Navrotsky
Thermochemistry and phase stability of the polymorphs of yttrium tantalate, YTaO4
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 41 (2021), 1629-1638, DOI: 10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2020.10.039
F. Haase, C. Siemers, L. Klinge, C. Lu, P. Lang, S. Lederer, T. König, J. Rösler
Aluminum- and Vanadium-free Titanium Alloys for Medical Applications
MATEC Web of Conferences 321, 05008 (2020)
A. Solimani, T. Nguyen, J. Zhang, D.J. Young, M. Schütze, M.C. Galetz
Morphology of oxide scales formed on chromium-silicon alloys at high temperatures
Corrosion Science 176 (2020), 109023, DOI: 10.1016/j.corsci.2020.109023
B. Grégoire, C. Oskay, T.M. Meißner, M.C. Galetz
Corrosion mechanisms of ferritic-martensitic P91 steel and Inconel 600 nickel-based alloy in molten chlorides. Part II: NaCl-KCl-MgCl2 ternary system
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 216 (2020), 110675, DOI: 10.1016/j.solmat.2020.110675
T.M. Meißner, B. Grégoire, X. Montero, E. Miller, J. Maier, M.C. Galetz
Long-Term Corrosion Behavior of Cr Diffusion Coatings on Ferritic–Martensitic Superheater Tube Material X20CrMoV12-1 under Conditions Mimicking Biomass (Co-)firing
Energy Fuels 34 (2020), 10989-11002, DOI: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.0c01474
Wolfram Fürbeth
Editorial Special Issue: Advanced Coatings for Corrosion Protection
Materials 2020, 13(15), 3401
A. Agüero, I. Baráibar, R. Muelas, C. Oskay, M.C. Galetz, E. Korner
Analysis of an aluminide coating on austenitic steel 800HT exposed to metal dusting conditions: Lessons from an industrial hydrogen production plant
International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 186 (2020), 104129, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpvp.2020.104129
B. Grégoire, C. Oskay, T.M. Meißner, M.C. Galetz
Corrosion mechanisms of ferritic-martensitic P91 steel and Inconel 600 nickel-based alloy in molten chlorides. Part I: NaCl-KCl binary system
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 215 (2020), 110659, DOI: 10.1016/j.solmat.2020.110659
M.C. Galetz, A.S. Ulrich, C. Oskay, D. Fähsing, N. Laska, U. Schulz, M. Schütze
Oxidation-induced microstructural changes of the TiAl TNM-B1 alloy after exposure at 900 °C in air
Intermetallics 123 (2020), 106830, DOI: 10.1016/j.intermet.2020.106830
X. Montero, A. Ishida, M. Rudolphi, H. Murakami, M.C. Galetz
Breakaway corrosion of austenitic steel induced by fireside corrosion
Corrosion Science 173 (2020), 108765, DOI: 10.1016/j.corsci.2020.108765
C. Oskay
Investigation of the microstructural and mechanical property changes of NiAl coated Ni-based superalloys during high temperature exposure
Schriftenreihe des DECHEMA-Forschungsinstituts, RWTH Aachen, Shaker Verlag, 2020, ISBN: 978-3-8440-7231-0
L. Gröner, L. Mengis, M.C. Galetz, L. Kirste, P. Daum, M. Wirth, F. Meyer, A. Fromm, B. Blug, F. Burmeister
Investigations of the Deuterium Permeability of As-Deposited and Oxidized Ti2AlN Coatings
Materials 13 (2020), 2085, DOI: 10.3390/ma13092085
T. König, X. Montero, M.C. Galetz
The influence of iron and cobalt on the type II hot corrosion behavior of NiCr model alloys
Materials and Corrosion 71 (2020), 1138-1151, DOI: 10.1002/maco.201911376
A.S. Ulrich
Entwicklung von ausscheidungshärtbaren Cr-Si-Basis-Legierungen für Hochtemperaturanwendungen: Mikrostruktur und Oxidation
Schriftenreihe des DECHEMA-Forschungsinstituts, Universität Bayreuth, Shaker Verlag, 2020, ISBN 978-3-8440-7322-5
A.S. Ulrich, P. Pfizenmaier, A. Solimani, U. Glatzel, M.C.Galetz
Improving the oxidation resistance of Cr-Si-based alloys by ternary alloying
Corrosion Science 165 (2020), 108376, DOI: 10.1016/j.corsci.2019.108376
S. Lederer, P. Lutz, W. Fürbeth
Oberflächenmodifikation von Titanwerkstoffen durch plasma-elektrolytische Oxidation (Teil 2)
Galvanotechnik 3/2020, S. 464-471
S. Lederer, P. Lutz, W. Fürbeth
Oberflächenmodifikation von Titanwerkstoffen durch plasma-elektrolytische Oxidation (Teil 1)
Galvanotechnik 2/2020, S. 292-297
M. Weiser, M.C. Galetz, R.J. Chater, S. Virtanen
Growth Mechanisms of Oxide Scales on Two-phase Co/Ni-base Model Alloys between 800 °C and 900 °C
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 167 (2020), DOI: 10.1149/1945-7111/ab69f7
X. Montero, A. Ishida, T.M. Meißner, H. Murakami, M.C. Galetz
Effect of surface treatment and crystal orientation on hot corrosion of a Ni-based single-crystal superalloy
Corrosion Science 166 (2020), 108472, DOI: 10.1016/j.corsci.2020.108472
A.I. Waidha, L. Ni, J. Ali, M. Lepple, M. Donzelli, S. Dasgupta, S. Wollstadt, L. Alff, U.I. Kramm, O. Clemens
Synthesis of bifunctional BaFe1−xCoxO3−y−δ(OH)y catalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction and oxygen evolution reaction
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 8 (2020), 616-625, DOI: 10.1039/C9TA10222A
P. Pfizenmaier, A.S. Ulrich, M.C. Galetz, U. Glatzel
Determination of heat treatment parameters by experiments and CALPHAD for precipitate hardening of Cr-Alloys with Si, Ge and Mo
Intermetallics 116 (2020), 106636, DOI: 10.1016/j.intermet.2019.106636
A. Donchev, M. Schütze, E. Ström, M.C. Galetz
Oxidation behaviour of the MAX-phases Ti2AlC and (Ti, Nb)2AlC at elevated temperatures with and without fluorine treatment
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 39 (2019), 4595-4601, DOI: 10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2019.07.040
L. Krumm, M.C. Galetz
Corrosion of 15Mo3 carbon steel superheater tubes in waste incineration plants: A comparison between a field‐returned tube and laboratory tests
Materials and Corrosion 71 (2020), 166-177, DOI: 10.1002/maco.201911091
T.M. Meißner, X. Montero, D. Fähsing, M.C. Galetz
Cr diffusion coatings on a ferritic-martensitic steel for corrosion protection in KCl-rich biomass co-firing environments
Corrosion Science 164 (2020), 108343, DOI: 10.1016/j.corsci.2019.108343
J.T. Bauer, X. Montero, M.C. Galetz
Fast heat treatment methods for al slurry diffusion coatings on alloy 800 prepared in air
Surface and Coatings Technology 381 (2020), 125140, DOI: j.surfcoat.2019.125140
C. Oskay, T.M. Meißner, C. Dobler, B. Grégoire, M.C. Galetz
Scale Formation and Degradation of Diffusion Coatings Deposited on 9% Cr Steel in Molten Solar Salt
Coatings 9 (2019), 687, DOI: 10.3390/coatings9100687
X. Montero, M. Rudolphi, M.C. Galetz
Long‐term exposure of austenitic steels and nickel‐based alloys in lignite‐biomass cofiring
Materials and Corrosion 70 (2019), 2179-2189, DOI: 10.1002/maco.201911109
M. Thomä, A. Gester, G. Wagner, B. Straß, B. Wolter, S. Benfer, D. K. Gowda, W. Fürbeth
Application of the hybrid process ultrasound enhanced friction stir welding on dissimilar aluminum/dual‐phase steel and aluminum/magnesium joints
Materialwiss. Werkstofftech. 2019, 50, 893–912
W.-T. Chen, B. Li, M.C. Galetz, B. Gleeson
STEM Characterization of Metal Dusting Corrosion in Ni-based Alloy 600 and Fe-based Alloy 800H Exposed to a High Pressure Environment
Microscopy and Microanalysis 25 (2019), 2332-2333, DOI: 10.1017/S143192761901239X
M. Lepple, K. Lilova, C. Levi, A. Navrotsky
Enthalpies of formation of the solid solutions of ZrxY0.5−x/2Ta0.5−x/2O2 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.2 and 0.65 ≤ x ≤ 1)
Journal of Materials Research 34 (2019), 3343-3350, DOI: 10.1557/jmr.2019.213
T.M. Meißner, C. Oskay, D. Fähsing, M.C. Galetz
Improving optical properties of diffusion-based absorber coatings for CSP tower systems
AIP Conference Proceedings 2126 (2019), DOI: 10.1063/1.5117511
A.S. Ulrich, T. Kaiser, E. Ionescu, R. Riedel, M.C. Galetz
Reactive Element Effect Applied by Alloying and SiHfBCN Coating on the Oxidation of Pure Chromium
Oxidation of Metals 92 (2019), 281-302, DOI: 10.1007/s11085-019-09926-w
B. Grégoire, X. Montero, M.C. Galetz, G. Bonnet, F. Pedraza
Correlations between the kinetics and the mechanisms of hot corrosion of pure nickel at 700 °C
Corrosion Science 155 (2019), 134-145, DOI: 10.1016/j.corsci.2019.04.022
A. Gester, M. Thomä, G. Wagner, B. Straß, B. Wolter, S. Benfer, W. Fürbeth
Hybrid joints of die-casted aluminum/magnesium by ultrasound enhanced friction stir welding (USE-FSW)
Welding in the World 63 (2019) 1173–1186
T. König, X. Montero, M.C. Galetz
Hot corrosion Type II of FeCr‐based model alloys for boiler and heat exchanger applications
Materials and Corrosion 70 (2019), 1371-1384, DOI: 10.1002/maco.201810640
W.-T. Chen, B. Li, B. Gleeson, M.C. Galetz, H. Hattendorf
Characterization of Metal Dusting Corrosion of Ni-Based Alloy Ni29Cr2Al and Its Weldment Under High Pressure Condition
in "Proceedings of Corrosion 2019" (2019), NACE
S. Virtanen, M. Weiser, H.-E. Zschau, M. Göken, M.C. Galetz, C. Zenk, S. Neumeier
Influence of Co to Ni ratio in γ'-strengthened model alloys on oxidation resistance and the efficacy of the halogen effect at 900 °C
Corrosion Science 156 (2019), 84-95, DOI: 10.1016/j.corsci.2019.05.007
R. Reoyo-Prats, A. Carling Plaza, O. Faugeroux, B. Claudet, A. Soum-Glaude, C. Hildebrandt, Y. Binyamin, A. Agüero, T. Meißner
Accelerated aging of absorber coatings for CSP receivers under real high solar flux – Evolution of their optical properties
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 193 (2019), 92-100, DOI: 10.1016/j.solmat.2018.12.030
L. Mengis, C. Grimme, M.C. Galetz
High-temperature sliding wear behavior of an intermetallic γ-based TiAl alloy
Wear 426-427 Part A (2019), 341-347, DOI: 10.1016/j.wear.2018.11.025
M.C. Galetz, C. Oskay, S. Madloch
Microstructural degradation and interdiffusion behavior of NiAl and Ge-modified NiAl Coatings on Alloy 602 CA
Surface and Coatings Technology 364 (2019), 211-217, DOI: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2019.02.048
A. Stenzel, D. Fähsing, M. Schütze, M.C. Galetz
Volatilization kinetics of chromium oxide, manganese oxide, and manganese chromium spinel at high temperatures in environments containing water vapor
Materials and Corrosion 70 (2019), 1426-1438, DOI: 10.1002/maco.201810655
S.A. Azarmehr, K. Shirvani, A. Solimani, M. Schütze, M.C. Galetz
Effects of Pt and Si on the low temperature hot corrosion of aluminide coatings exposed to Na2SO4-60 mol% V2O5 salt
Surface and Coatings Technology 362 (2019), 252-261, DOI: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2019.01.116
C. Oskay, M.C. Galetz, H. Murakami
Mechanical behaviour of conventional, Pt- and Pt/Ir-modified NiAl diffusion coatings after thermocyclic exposure at 1100°C
Materials at High Temperatures 36 (2019), 404-416, DOI: 10.1080/09603409.2019.1591064
M. Thomä, G. Wagner, B. Straß, B. Wolter, S. Benfer, W. Fürbeth
Ultrasound Enhanced Friction Stir Welding (USE-FSW) of Hybrid Aluminum/Steel Joints
Chapter Friction Stir Welding and Processing X, Part of the series The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series, S. 23-32
S. Lederer, S. Sankaran, T. Smith, W. Fürbeth
Formation of bioactive hydroxyapatite-containing titania coatings on CP-Ti 4+ alloy generated by plasma electrolytic oxidation
Surface & Coatings Technology 363 (2019), 66-74
S. Benfer, W. Fürbeth, M. Schütze
Emailreparatur mit nanopartikulären Schichten
M. Reppich (Hrsg.), Instandhaltung von Wärmeübertragern, 2. überarb. Aufl. (2018), PP PUBLICO Publications, Essen, 164-179
A. Solimani, M. Schütze, A. Stark, M.C. Galetz
Nitrogen transport through thermally grown chromia scales
Corrosion Science 145 (2018), 180-190, DOI: 10.1016/j.corsci.2018.10.007
D. Fähsing, C. Oskay, T.M. Meißner, M.C. Galetz
Corrosion testing of diffusion-coated steel in molten salt for concentrated solar power tower systems
Surface and Coatings Technology 354 (2018), 46-55, DOI: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2018.08.097
C. Oskay, M.C. Galetz, H. Murakami
Oxide scale formation and microstructural degradation of conventional, Pt- and Pt/Ir-modified NiAl diffusion coatings during thermocyclic exposure at 1100 °C
Corrosion Science 144 (2018), 313-327, DOI: 10.1016/j.corsci.2018.08.034
A.S. Ulrich, P. Pfizenmaier, A. Soleimani-Dorcheh, U. Glatzel, M.C. Galetz
Strengthened Cr-Si-base alloys for high temperature applications
International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials 76 (2018), 72-81, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrmhm.2018.05.016
M. Thomä, G. Wagner, B. Straß, B. Wolter, S. Benfer, W. Fürbeth
Ultrasound enhanced friction stir welding of aluminum and steel: process and properties of EN AW 6061/DC04-Joints
Journal of Materials Science & Technology 34 (2018) 163-172
H. Ackermann, D. Diarra, M.C. Galetz, J.T. Bauer, H. Altena
Aluminium-Diffusionsschichten auf austenitischen Hochtemperaturstählen - Teil 2
Prozesswärme 1 (2018), 65-69
B. Grégoire, X. Montero, M.C. Galetz, G. Bonnet, F. Pedraza
Mechanisms of hot corrosion of pure nickel at 700°C: Influence of testing conditions
Corrosion Science 141 (2018), 211-220, DOI: 10.1016/j.corsci.2018.06.009
T. Gietzelt, M. Kraut, F. Messerschmidt, W. Fürbeth, R. Dittmeyer
Korrosionsbeständige mikroverfahrenstechnische Apparate durch CVD-Beschichtung mit Tantal
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 90, 8, 1037-1046
M. Schneider, K. Kremmer, D. Tabatabai, W. Fürbeth
Nano-sized zeolite particles as inhibitor carrier in plasma electrolytic oxide layers on AZ31
Materials and Corrosion, 69, 8 (2018) 971-977
A. Anthes, O. Harper, W. Fürbeth
Erzeugung Nanofaser-verstärkter Ceroxidschichten auf AZ31
Galvanotechnik Juli 2018 S. 1327-1336
A. Anthes, S.K. Weidmann, W. Fürbeth, K. Kremmer, M. Schneider
Nanoparticle-based impregnation of chromate-free anodizing layers for corrosion protection and adhesive bonding
Surface & Coatings Technology 348 (2018), 121-129
H. Ackermann, D. Diarra, M.C. Galetz, J.T. Bauer, H. Altena
Aluminium-Diffusionsschichten auf austenitischen Hochtemperaturstählen - Teil 1
Prozesswärme 1 (2018), 71-76
M. Thomä , G. Wagner, B. Straß, B. Wolter, S. Benfer, W. Fürbeth
The Influence of Ultrasound Enhancement during Friction Stir Welding of Aluminum to Steel
Key Engineering Materials (Volume 767), S. 351-359
X. Montero, M.C. Galetz
Sulfate-Vanadate-Induced Corrosion of Different Alloys
Oxidation of Metals 89 (2018), 499-516, DOI: 10.1007/s11085-017-9831-4
S. Madloch, A.S. Dorcheh, M.C. Galetz
Effect of Pressure on Metal Dusting Initiation on Alloy 800H and Alloy 600 in CO-rich Syngas
Oxidation of Metals 89 (2018), 483-498, DOI: 10.1007/s11085-017-9801-x
X. Montero, M.C. Galetz
Effect of Different Vanadate Salt Composition on Oil Ash Corrosion of Boilers
Oxidation of Metals 89 (2018), 395-414, DOI: 10.1007/s11085-017-9795-4
L. Krumm, M.C. Galetz
Impact of Deposits and Their Morphology on the Active Corrosion of Iron in Chlorine- and Sulfur-Containing Atmospheres in the Temperature Range of 350-500 °C
Oxidation of Metals 90 (2018), 365-381, DOI: 10.1007/s11085-018-9845-6
T. Gietzelt, T. Wunsch, V. Toth, T. Traut, W. Fürbeth
Joining and corrosion issues of micro process devices
S. Lück (Hrsg.), Compact Heat Exchangers, 2nd revised ed., PP PUBLICO Publications, Essen, ISBN 3-934736-42-4 (2018) S. 180-204
A.S. Dorcheh, W. Donner, M.C.Galetz
From eutectic to peritectic: Effect of Ge on morphology, structure, and coarsening of Cr-Cr3Si alloys
Intermetallics 93 (2018), 201-208, DOI: 10.1016/j.intermet.2017.11.020
S. Friedle, R. Pflumm, A. Seyeux, P. Marcus, M. Schütze
ToF-SIMS Study on the Initial Stages of the Halogen Effect in the Oxidation of TiAl Alloys
Oxidation of Metals 89 (2018), 123-139, DOI: 10.1007/s11085-017-9779-4
S. Lederer, P. Lutz, W. Fürbeth
Surface modification of Ti 13Nb 13Zr by plasma electrolytic oxidation
Surface & Coatings Technology 335 (2018) 62-71
A.S. Dorcheh, M. Schütze, M.C.Galetz
Factors affecting isothermal oxidation of pure chromium in air
Corrosion Science 130 (2018), 261-269, DOI: 10.1016/j.corsci.2017.11.006
A.S. Ulrich, N. Laska, A. Straubel, C. Leyens, R. Braun, M.C. Galetz, M. Schütze
The oxidation behaviour of aluminium-rich coatings on the TiAl alloy TNM-B1
Materials at High Temperatures 35 (2018), 204-216, DOI: 10.1080/09603409.2017.1389097
S. Lederer, P. Lutz, W. Fürbeth
Oberflächenmodifikation von Titanwerkstoffen durch plasma-elektrolytische Oxidation
Jahrbuch Oberflächentechnik Band 73, S.169-180
T. Gietzelt, T. Wunsch, V. Toth, T. Traut, W. Fürbeth
Füge- und Korrosionsproblematiken bei mikroverfahrenstechnischen Apparaten
S. Lück (Hrsg.), Kompakt-Wärmeübertrager, 2. überarbeitete Aufl., PP PUBLICO Publications, Essen, ISBN 3-934736-39-9 (2017) S. 210-236
M. Schütze
The Role of Surface Protection for High-Temperature Performance of TiAl Alloys
JOM 69 (2017), 2606-2609, DOI: 10.1007/s11837-017-2595-0
A. Soleimani Dorcheh, R.N. Durham, M.C. Galetz
High temperature corrosion in molten solar salt: The role of chloride impurities
Materials and Corrosion 68 (2017), 943-951, DOI: 10.1002/maco.201609300
M. Schütze, W.J. Quadakkers
Future Directions in the Field of High-Temperature Corrosion Research
Oxidation of Metals 87 (2017), 681-704, DOI: 10.1007/s11085-017-9719-3
C. Oskay, M. Rudolphi, E.E. Affeldt, M. Schütze, M.C. Galetz
Evolution of microstructure and mechanical properties of NiAl-Diffusion coatings after thermocyclic exposure
Intermetallics 89 (2017), 22-31, DOI: 10.1016/j.intermet.2017.05.012
W. Fürbeth
Neue Wege zu Korrosionsschutzschichten durch Anwendung chemischer Nanotechnologie und biogener Substanzen
Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde (Hrsg.), Fachgespräch "Korrosionsschutz im Stahlwasserbau - Zulassung, Einsatz, Umweltaspekte", Veranstaltungen 2/2017, Koblenz (2017), DOI: 10.5675/BfG_Veranst_2017.2
M. Schneider, K. Kremmer, S.K. Weidmann, W. Fürbeth
Particle reinforced open porous anodizing layers on AA5005
Material and Corrosion, 68, 2017
S. Benfer, W. Fürbeth, M. Thomä, G. Wagner, B. Straß, B. Wolter
Hybrid joints manufactured by ultrasound enhanced friction stir welding (USE-FSW) - corrosion properties
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 181, conference 1
M. Thomä, G. Wagner, B. Straß, B. Wolter, S. Benfer, W. Fürbeth
Hybrid Al/steel-joints manufactured by ultrasound enhanced friction stir welding (USE-FSW): Process comparison, nondestructive testing and microscopic analysis
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 181, conference 1
L. Krumm, M.C. Galetz
Chlorine Attack of Carbon Steel Between 350 and 500 °C and Its Importance Regarding Corrosion in Waste Incineration
Oxidation of Metals 87 (2017), 757-766, DOI: 10.1007/s11085-017-9749-x
X. Montero, M.C. Galetz
Coatings for Boiler Components Exposed to Vanadium-Containing Oil Ash in Oxidizing Atmosphere
Oxidation of Metals 87 (2017), 717-727, DOI: 10.1007/s11085-017-9744-2
S. Madloch, M.C. Galetz
Microstructural evolution of germanium modified AlSi-slurry coatings on alloy 600 at 620 °C in metal dusting environment
Surface and Coatings Technology 315 (2017), 335-341, DOI: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2017.02.061
M. Thomä, G. Wagner, B. Straß, C. Conrad, B. Wolter, S. Benfer, W. Fürbeth
Realization of Ultrasound Enhanced Friction Stir Welded Al/Mg- and Al/Steel-Joints: Process and Robustness, Mechanical and Corrosion Properties
Chapter Friction Stir Welding and Processing IX, Part of the series The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series pp 179-194
B. Rammer, M.C. Galetz
Kinetics of volatilization of high temperature corrosion products and its application to chlorine corrosion
Materials and Corrosion 68 (2017), 186-196, DOI: 10.1002/maco.201608841
M. Rudolphi, M. Schütze
Extracting oxide scale cracking data from acoustic emission data using the example of oxidized cobalt
Materials and Corrosion 68 (2017), 249-255, DOI: 10.1002/maco.201608924
X. Montero, I. Demler, V. Kuznetsov, M.C. Galetz
Factors governing slurry aluminization of steels
Surface and Coatings Technology 309 (2017), 179-186, DOI: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2016.11.067
A. Soleimani Dorcheh, M.C. Galetz
Oxidation-Nitridation Mechanism in Eutectic Cr-Silicide Alloy and Its Mitigation by Germanium Alloying
Oxidation of Metals 88 (2017), 549-564, DOI: 10.1007/s11085-016-9685-1
D. Fähsing, M. Rudolphi, L. Konrad, M.C. Galetz
Fireside Corrosion of Chromium and Aluminum Coated Ferritic-Martensitic Steels
Oxidation of Metals 88 (2016), 155-164, DOI: 10.1007/s11085-016-9684-2
A. Anthes, O. Harper, W. Fürbeth
Erzeugung Nanofaser-verstärkter Ceroxidschichten auf AZ31
Jahrbuch Oberflächentechnik. Bd.72, Leuze, Saulgau/Württ. (2016) 60-69
A. Donchev, J. Grüters, M.C. Galetz, M. Schütze
Oxidation protection of several intermetallic TixAly alloys by fluorine
Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies 2 (2016), 471-479, DOI: 10.1080/2374068X.2016.1247227
X. Montero, M.C. Galetz
Inhibitors and coatings against vanadate-containing oil ash of boilers
Surface and Coatings Technology 304 (2016), 211-221, DOI: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2016.07.034
A. Soleimani Dorcheh, R.N. Durham, M.C. Galetz
Effect of chloride contents on the corrosion behavior of ferritic and austenitic steels in molten solar salts
in "Proceedings of Corrosion 2016" (2016), NACE
E. Berghof-Hasselbächer, A. Soleimani Dorcheh, G.T. Schmidt, M.C. Galetz
Das Oxidationsverhalten des Schleudergusswerkstoffs 20Cr-32Ni-1Nb und verschiedener Schweißzusatzwerkstoffe bei 816, 871, 927 und 982°C
Sonderbände der Praktischen Metallographie 50 (2016), 171-178
A.S. Ulrich, M.C. Galetz
Protective Aluminide Coatings for Refractory Metals
Oxidation of Metals 86 (2016), 511-535, DOI: 10.1007/s11085-016-9650-z
J. Yuan, M.C. Galetz, X.G. Luan, C. Fasel, R. Riedel, E. Ionescu
High-temperature oxidation behavior of polymer-derived SiHfBCN ceramic nanocomposites
J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 36 (12) (2016), 3021-3028, DOI: 10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2015.12.006
A. Soleimani-Dorcheh, M.C. Galetz
Challenges in Developing Oxidation-Resistant Chromium-Based Alloys for Applications Above 900°C
JOM 68 (2016), 2793-2802, DOI: 10.1007/s11837-016-2079-7
S. Madloch, M.C. Galetz, C. Geers, M. Schütze
Development of a metal dusting resistant coating by Sn and Al pack cementation
Surface and Coatings Technology 299 (2016), 29-36, DOI: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2016.04.067
M. Schütze
High-temperature alloys: Single-crystal performance boost
Nature Materials 15 (2016), 823-824, DOI: 10.1038/nmat4712
S. Benfer, B. Straß, G. Wagner, W. Fürbeth
Manufacturing and corrosion properties of ultrasound supported friction stir welded Al/Mg-hybrid joints
Surface and Interface Analysis 48 (2016) 843-852
M. Thomä, G. Wagner, B. Wolter, C. Conrad, B. Straß, W. Fürbeth, S. Benfer
Development of ultrasound assisted friction stir welding for Al/Mg-hybrid-joints: Process analysis, comparison of microstructural, mechanical and corrosion characteristics
Proc. 11th Int. Symposium on FSW, TWI Ltd. Cambridge/UK (2016)
M. Thomä, G. Wagner, B. Straß, C. Conrad, B. Wolter, S. Benfer, W Fürbeth
Recent Developments for Ultrasonic-Assisted Friction Stir Welding: Joining, Testing, Corrosion – an Overview
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 118 (2016) 012014
F. Depentori, C. Forcellini, F. Andreatta, E. Marin, S. Maschio, F. Brunke, S. Benfer, C. Siemers, L. Fedrizzi, W. Fürbeth
Oxidation of Neodymium Precipitates in a Ti6Al4V2Nd Alloy in Sodium Chloride Solution
Materials and Corrosion 67 (2016) 277-285
A. Soleimani Dorcheh, M.C. Galetz
Slurry aluminizing: A solution for molten nitrate salt corrosion in concentrated solar power plants
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 146 (2016), 8-15, DOI: 10.1016/j.solmat.2015.11.024
A. Soleimani Dorcheh, R.N. Durham, M.C. Galetz
Corrosion behavior of stainless and low-chromium steels and IN625 in molten nitrate salts at 600 °C
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 144 (2016), 109-116, DOI: 10.1016/j.solmat.2015.08.011
J.T. Bauer, X. Montero, M. Schütze, M.C. Galetz
Innovative slurry coating concepts for aluminizing of an austenitic steel in chlorine and sulfur containing atmosphere
Surface and Coatings Technology 285 (2016), 179-186, DOI: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2015.10.074
M. Schütze, G.T. Schmidt, A. Naji
Oxidation-related life-time assessment using the new ISO standards ISO 21608:2012 and ISO 26146:2012
Materials and Corrosion 67 (2016), 13-25, DOI: 10.1002/maco.201508599
M. Schütze
Stress Effects in High Temperature Oxidation
in "Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering", Hrsg. S. Hashmi, Elsevier (2016), 1-31, DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-803581-8.01568-X
H.-E. Zschau, F. King, M.C. Galetz, M. Schütze
Implantation of Y- and Hf-ions into a F-doped Ni-base superalloy improving the oxidation resistance at high temperatures
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 365, Part A (2015), 202-206, DOI: 10.1016/j.nimb.2015.07.080
M.C. Galetz
Coatings for Superalloys
in Superalloys, Hrsg. M. Aliofkhazraei, InTech (2015), DOI: 10.5772/61141
Hrsg. M. Schütze, M. Roche, R. Bender
Corrosion Resistance of Steels, Nickel Alloys, and Zinc in Aqueous Media: Waste Water, Seawater, Drinking Water, High-Purity Water
Wiley-VCH (2015), ISBN: 978-3-527-34069-9
W. Fürbeth
Neue Schutzschichten für Leichtmetalle durch Integration oxidischer Nanopartikel
Tagungsband der GfKORR-Jahrestagung 2015, GfKORR e.V., Frankfurt am Main (2015) 89-96
A. Schlieter, R. Pflumm, I. Shakhverdova, R. Naraparaju, U. Schulz, C. Leyens, M. Schütze, W. Reimers
Mechanical Properties of Shark-Skin Like Structured Surfaces for High-Temperature Applications
Advanced Engineering Materials 18 (2015), 688-702, DOI: 10.1002/adem.201500416
D. Fähsing, M.C. Galetz, M. Schütze
Eindiffundieren metallischer Elemente
in "Handbuch Wärmebehandeln und Beschichten", Hrsg. G. Spur, H.-W. Zoch, Carl Hanser Verlag (2015), 486-494, DOI: 10.3139/9783446430037
A. Naji, M.C. Galetz, M. Schütze
Improvements in the Thermodynamic and Kinetic Considerations on the Coating Design for Diffusion Coatings Formed via Pack Cementation
Materials and Corrosion 66 (2015), 863-868, DOI: 10.1002/maco.201407810
M. Rudolphi, M. Schütze
Investigations for the Validation of the Defect Based Scale Failure Diagrams - Part II: Extension of the Concept and Application to Nickel Oxide, Titanium Oxide and Iron Oxide
Oxidation of Metals 84 (2015), 45-60, DOI: 10.1007/s11085-015-9540-9
M.C. Galetz, B. Rammer, M. Schütze
Refractory metals and nickel in high temperature chlorine-containing environments - thermodynamic prediction of volatile corrosion products and surface reaction mechanisms: a review
Materials and Corrosion 66 (2015), 1206-1214, DOI: 10.1002/maco.201408130
X. Montero, M.C. Galetz
Vanadium-Containing Oil Ash Corrosion of Boilers Under Oxidizing and Syngas Atmospheres
Oxidation of Metals 83 (2015), 485-506, DOI: 10.1007/s11085-015-9527-6
M. Mollard, F. Pedraza, B. Bouchaud, X. Montero, M.C. Galetz, M. Schütze
Influence of the superalloy substrate in the synthesis of the Pt-modified aluminide bond coat made by slurry
Surface and Coatings Technology 270 (2015), 102-108, DOI: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2015.03.015
J. Grüters, M.C. Galetz
Influence of thermodynamic activities of different masteralloys in pack powder mixtures to produce low activity aluminide coatings on TiAl alloys
Intermetallics 60 (2015), 19-27, DOI: 10.1016/j.intermet.2015.01.001
B. Tigges, S. Benfer, A. Tenié, M. Yekethaz, W. Bleck, W. Fürbeth
Nanoparticle coatings: Oxidation protection during press hardening
In "Proc.Hot Sheet Metal Forming of High Performance Steel" (eds. K. Steinhoff, M. Oldenburg, B. Prakash), Verlag Wissenschaftliche Skripten, Auerbach 2015, 699-705
H.-E. Zschau, W. Zhao, S. Neve, B. Gleeson, M. Schütze
Promotion of the Al2O3-Scale Formation on Ni-Cr-Al Alloys via the Fluorine Effect
Oxidation of Metals 83 (2015), 335-349, DOI: 10.1007/s11085-014-9524-1
M.C. Galetz, X. Montero
Vanadium Induced Corrosion in the Partial Oxidation (POX) Process
in "Proceedings of Corrosion 2015" (2015), NACE
S. Friedle, N. Laska, R. Braun, H.-E. Zschau, M.C. Galetz, M. Schütze
Oxidation behaviour of a flourinated β-stabilized γ-TiAl alloy with thermal barrier coatings in H2O- and SO2-containing atmospheres
Corrosion Science 92 (2015), 280-286, DOI: 10.1016/j.corsci.2014.11.045
W. Fürbeth
New coatings for corrosion protection using nanoparticles or nanocapsules
Proc. CORROSION 2015, NACE, Dallas/US 2015
A. Soleimani-Dorcheh, M.C. Galetz
Oxidation and Nitridation Behavior of Cr-Si Alloys in Air at 1473 K
Oxidation of Metals 84 (2015), 73-90, DOI: 10.1007/s11085-015-9544-5
R. Pflumm, S. Friedle, M. Schütze
Oxidation protection of γ-TiAl-based alloys – A review
Intermetallics 56 (2015), 1-14, DOI: 10.1016/j.intermet.2014.08.002
X. Montero, M.C. Galetz, M. Schütze
A Novel Type of Environmentally Friendly Slurry Coatings
JOM 67 (2015), 77-86, DOI: 10.1007/s11837-014-1239-x
C. Thyssen, D. Holuscha, J. Kuhn, F. Walter, W. Fürbeth, W. Sand
Biofilm formation and stainless steel corrosion analysis of Leptothrix discophora
Advanced Materials Research 1130 (2015) 79-82
A. Soleimani-Dorcheh, W. Donner, M.C. Galetz
On ultra-high temperature oxidation of Cr-Cr3Si alloys: Effect of germanium
Materials and Corrosion 65 (2014), 1143-1150, DOI: 10.1002/maco.201307423
Hrsg. M. Schütze, R.B. Rebak, R. Bender
Corrosion Resistance of Nickel and Nickel Alloys Against Acids and Lyes
Wiley-VCH (2014), ISBN: 978-3-527-33849-8
R. Pflumm, A. Donchev, S. Mayer, H. Clemens, M. Schütze
High-temperature oxidation behavior of multi-phase Mo-containing γ-TiAl-based alloys
Intermetallics 53 (2014), 45-55, DOI: 10.1016/j.intermet.2014.04.010
J.T. Bauer, M.C. Galetz, X. Montero, M. Schütze
Weiterentwicklung des Slurryverfahrens
Konstruktion 9 (2014), 13-15
M.C. Galetz, J.T. Bauer, M. Schütze, M. Noguchi, C. Takatoh, H. Cho
The influence of copper in ash deposits on the corrosion of boiler tube alloys for waste-to-energy plants
Materials and Corrosion 65 (2014), 778-785, DOI: 10.1002/maco.201206787
M. Reif, F. Scherm, M.C. Galetz, U. Glatzel
An Enhanced Three-Step Oxidation Process to Improve Oxide Adhesion on Zirconium Alloys
Oxidation of Metals 82 (2014), 99-112, DOI: 10.1007/s11085-014-9479-2
B. Strass, G. Wagner, C. Conrad, B. Wolter, S. Benfer, W. Fürbeth
Realization of Al/Mg-Hybrid-Joints by Ultrasound Supported Friction Stir Welding - Mechanical Properties, Microstructure and Corrosion Behavior
Advanced Materials Research 966-967 (2014) 521-535
E. Berghof-Hasselbächer, M.C. Galetz, G. Schmidt, M. Schütze, J.J. Hoffman
Das Langzeitausscheidungsverhalten des Ni-Basis Schmiedewerkstoffs Haynes 230 bei 649, 760 und 871°C
Sonderbände der Praktischen Metallographie 46 (2014), 183-188
A. Donchev, M.C. Galetz, M. Schütze
Effective fluorine treatment for improved high temperature oxidation behavior of novel Cu, Mo and Si containing TiAl-alloys
Materials Science Forum 783-786 (2014), 1117-1122, DOI: 10.4028/
K. Aleksandrov, M.C. Galetz, G. Schmidt, F. Depentori, M. Schütze, I. Teliban, E. Quandt
Protective high temperature coatings with intrinsic depletion sensor
Surface and Coatings Technology 245 (2014), 117-124, DOI: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2014.02.050
F. Depentori, J. Laukart, F. Brunke, S. Benfer, C. Siemers, W. Fürbeth
Oxidation of surface lanthanum precipitates in a free-machining titanium alloy investigated by in situ AFM and cyclic voltammetry
Mater. Corr. 65 (2014) 425-430
M.C. Galetz, X. Montero, M. Schütze
Tailor-made Diffusion Coatings as a Versatile Tool for Various High Temperature Corrosion Issues
in "Proceedings of Corrosion 2014", NACE (2014), C2014-4105
E. Berghof-Hasselbächer, J.J. Hoffman, M. Schütze
Atlas of Microstructures II
Materials Technology Institute, St. Louis (2014), ISBN: 1576980618
A. Soleimani-Dorcheh, M.C. Galetz
Cr-Ge-Si Alloys for High-Temperature Structural Applications: Microstructural Evolution
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 45 (2014), 1639-1645, DOI: 10.1007/s11661-013-2091-2
A. Naji, M.C. Galetz, M. Schütze
Design model for diffusion coatings formed via pack cementation
Materials and Corrosion 65 (2014), 312-318, DOI: 10.1002/maco.201307393
A. Donchev, M. Schütze, A. Kolitsch, R. Yankov
Protection of Ti-alloys against high temperature environmental attack by a two-step process, aluminization + fluorination
TMS 2014 Supplemental Proceedings, Wiley, Hoboken (2014), 79-85, DOI: 10.1002/9781118889879.ch11
H.-E. Zschau, M. Schütze, F. King
Ion-induced surface modification combining the halogen and the reactive element-effect for a Ni-base superalloy
Materials and Corrosion 65 (2014), 116-120, DOI: 10.1002/maco.201307127
M.C. Galetz, B. Rammer, M. Schütze
The Protection of Aluminides by Alloying with Molybdenum in High Chlorine Containing Atmospheres at 1,000°C
Oxidation of Metals 81 (2014), 151-165, DOI: 10.1007/s11085-013-9464-1
Hrsg. M. Schütze, G. Schmitt, R. Bender
Corrosion Resistance Against Hydrogen
Wiley-VCH (2014), ISBN: 978-3-527-33712-5
R.A. Yankov, A. Kolitsch, J. von Borany, F. Munnik, S. Gemming, A. Alexewicz, H. Bracht, H. Rösner, A. Donchev, M. Schütze
Microstructural Studies of Fluorine-Implanted Titanium Aluminides for Enhanced Environmental Durability
Advanced Engineering Materials 16 (2014), 52-59, DOI: 10.1002/adem.201300071
M.C. Galetz, X. Montero, M. Mollard, M. Günthner, F. Pedraza, M. Schütze
The role of combustion synthesis in the formation of slurry aluminization
Intermetallics 44 (2014), 8-17, DOI: 10.1016/j.intermet.2013.08.002
X. Montero, M.C. Galetz, M. Schütze
Slurry coated Ni-plated Fe-base alloys: Investigation of the influence of powder and substrate composition on interdiffusional and structural degradation of aluminides
Surface and Coatings Technology 236 (2013), 465-475, DOI: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2013.10.038
D. Schmidt, M.C. Galetz, M. Schütze
Ferritic-martensitic steels: Improvement of the oxidation behavior in steam environments via diffusion coatings
Surface and Coatings Technology 237 (2013), 23-29, DOI: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2013.09.018
X. Montero , M.C. Galetz, M. Schütze
Sulphidation Behavior of a Non Harmful Water-Based Al and Al-Si Slurry Coating on CM247 Superalloy
Oxidation of Metals 80 (2013), 635-649, DOI: 10.1007/s11085-013-9412-0
S. Benfer, M. Yekehtaz, W. Fürbeth, C. Klesen, W. Bleck
Nanopartikel-basierte Schutzschichten für den temporären Oxidationsschutz beim Presshärten hochfester Stahlbauteile
Galvanotechnik 104 (2013) 2388-2403
P. Thissen, S. Janke, G. Grundmeier, D. Tabatabai, F. Feil, W. Fürbeth
Formation and stability of organic acid monolayers on magnesium alloy AZ31: The role of alkyl chain length and head group chemistry
Applied Surface Science 283 (2013) 339-347
Hrsg. M. Schütze, T.L. Ladwein, R. Bender
Corrosion Resistance of Steels against Lyes and Organic Acids
Wiley-VCH (2013), ISBN: 978-3-527-33679-1
D. Janda, H. Fietzek, M.C. Galetz, M. Heilmaier
The effect of micro-alloying with Zr and Nb on the oxidation behavior of Fe3Al and FeAl alloys
Intermetallics 41 (2013), 51-57, DOI: 10.1016/j.intermet.2013.04.016
M. Schneider, K. Kremmer, S.K. Weidmann, W. Fürbeth
Interplay between parameter variation and oxide structure of a modified PAA process
Surf. Interface Anal. 45 (2013) 1503-1509
A. Donchev, M.C. Galetz, M. Schütze, A. Kolitsch, R. Yankov
Surface treatment for improved high temperature environmental stability of Ti-alloys
Euro Lightmat 2013 Proceedings (2013)
W. Wang, W. Schmid, W. Fürbeth
Immersion corrosion study of Aluminium 230 in various sulphuric acid conditions
Proc. EUROCORR 2013, Estoril/P (2013)
H. Aleksanoglu, A. Scholz, M. Oechsner, C. Berger, M. Rudolphi, M. Schütze, W. Stamm
Determining a critical strain for APS thermal barrier coatings under service relevant loading conditions
International Journal of Fatigue 53 (2013), 40-48, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2011.11.018
J. Bauer, M.C. Galetz, M. Schütze
The influence of heavy metals in ash deposits on high temperature corrosion behavior of boiler tubes in waste-to-energy plants
in "Proceedings of the 2013 Symposium on Environmental Engineering", Japan (2013)
S. Benfer, F. Depentori, M. Yekehtaz, C. Klesen, W. Bleck, W. Fürbeth
Development of sol-gel coatings for an increased oxidation resistance of high-strength steel alloys during the press-hardening process
Proc. 4th International Conference on Hot Sheet Metal Forming of High-Performance Steel, Verlag Wissenschaftliche Scripten (2013) 445-452
A. Soleimani-Dorcheh, M.C. Galetz, M. Schütze
Alloying Cr-Cr3Si with germanium: a modification towards an alloy for ultra-high temperature applications
Proc. Plansee-Seminar 2013, Reutte/A (2013)
D. Schmidt , M. Galetz, M. Schütze
Deposition of Manganese and Cobalt on Ferritic-Martensitic Steels via Pack Cementation Process
Oxidation of Metals 79 (2013), 589-599, DOI: 10.1007/s11085-012-9340-4
M.C. Galetz , J.T. Bauer, M. Schütze, M. Noguchi, H. Cho
Resistance of Coatings for Boiler Components of Waste-to-Energy Plants to Salt Melts Containing Copper Compounds
Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 22 (2013), 828-837, DOI: 10.1007/s11666-013-9908-9
X. Montero, M.C. Galetz, M. Schütze
Low-activity aluminide coatings for superalloys using a slurry process free of halide activators and chromates
Surface and Coatings Technology 222 (2013), 9-14, DOI: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2013.01.033
A. Donchev, M. Schütze, A. Kolitsch, R. Yankov
Economic surface treatment of Ti-alloys to improve their resistance against environmental high temperature attack
Key Engineering Materials 551 (2013), 109-115, DOI: 10.4028/
M. Schütze
Route from U. R. Evans' original approach to today's understanding of scale failure
Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology 48 (2013), 303-312, DOI: 10.1179/1743278213Y.0000000079
W. Fürbeth
Korrosionsprüfung als Beitrag zur Ressourceneffizienz - von Kurzzeittests bis zu Rastersondenmethoden
Tagungsband Werkstoffprüfung 2013, DGM (2013)
M. Rudolphi, M. Schütze
Investigations for the Validation of the Defect Based Scale Failure Diagrams - Part I: Nickel Oxide
Oxidation of Metals 79 (2013), 167-177, DOI: 10.1007/s11085-012-9317-3
C. Geers, M. Galetz, M. Schütze
Investigation of the effect of the alloy 600 substrate for the stability of a Ni3Sn2 coating for metal dusting protection at 620°C
Surface and Coatings Technology 215 (2013), 2-6, DOI: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2012.04.100
M. Schütze, S. Friedle
Oxidation Behavior of Intermetallic Titanium Aluminide Alloys
MRS Proceedings 1516 (2013), 77-88, DOI: 10.1557/opl.2012.1666
A. Donchev, R. Pflumm, S. Mayer, H. Clemens, M. Schütze
High temperature oxidation protection of multi-phase Mo-containing TiAl-alloys by the fluorine effect
Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings 1516, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge/UK (2013), 95-100, DOI: 10.1557/opl.2012.1563
E. Berghof-Hasselbächer, P.J. Masset, L. Zhang, L. Liu, Z. Jin, G. Schmidt, M.C. Galetz, M. Schütze
Mikrostrukturen von Erbium-modifizierten Aluminium-Kupfer-Legierungen
Praktische Metallographie 49 (2012), 396-411
E. Berghof-Hasselbächer, M. Schütze, R. Durham, M. Galetz, G. Schmidt, J.J. Hoffman
Entwicklung eines Mikrostrukturatlanten für die neuesten hitzebeständigen Schleudergusswerkstoffe 35/45LC, HPLC, 20-32Nb und den Schmiedewerkstoff Haynes 230 auf Ni-Basis
Sonderbände der Praktischen Metallographie 44 (2012), 203-209
S. Friedle, N. Nießen, R. Braun, M. Schütze
Thermal barrier coatings on γ-TiAl protected by the halogen effect
Surface and Coatings Technology 212 (2012), 72-78
S. Benfer, M. Yekehtaz, W. Fürbeth, C. Klesen, W. Bleck
Nanopartikel-basierte Schutzschichten für den temporären Oxidationsschutz beim Presshärten hochfester Stahlbauteile
Dr. R. Suchentrunk (Hrsg.), Jahrbuch Oberflächentechnik 2012 - Band 68, Eugen G. Leuze Verlag, Bad Saulgau (2012) 101-115
H.-E. Zschau, M. Schütze
Potential of the Halogen Effect for the Formation of a Protective Alumina Scale on Ni-Base Superalloys
in "Superalloys 2012", Hrsg. E.S. Huron, R.C. Reed, M.C. Hardy, M.J. Mills, R.E. Montero, P.D. Portella, J. Telesman, John Wiley & Sons (2012), 733-739
Hrsg. M. Schütze, T.L. Ladwein, R. Bender
Corrosion Resistance of Steels Against Inorganic Acids
Wiley-VCH (2012), ISBN: 978-3-527-33520-6
M.C. Galetz, X. Montero, H. Murakami
Novel processing in inert atmosphere and in air to manufacture high-activity slurry aluminide coatings modified by Pt and Pt/Ir
Materials and Corrosion 63 (2012), 921-928
A. Donchev, M. Schütze, A. Kolitsch, R. Yankov
Enhancing the High Temperature Capability of Ti-Alloys
steel research international 83 (2012), 938-942
W. Fürbeth, B. Tigges, F. Feil, A. McSloy
Combination of chemical conversion with water-based nanoparticle coatings for the corrosion protection of magnesium alloys
Proc. EUROCORR 2012, Istanbul/TR
M. Yekehtaz, C. Klesen, S. Benfer, W. Bleck, W. Fürbeth
Effect of nanoparticulate sol-gel coatings on the oxidation resistance of high-strength steel alloys during the press-hardening process
Materials and Corrosion 63 (2012) 940-947
Hrsg. M. Schütze, R. Bender, K.-G. Schütze
Corrosion Resistance of High-Performance Materials: Titanium, Tantalum, Zirconium
Wiley-VCH (2012), ISBN: 978-3-527-33435-3
F. Depentori, J. Laukart, S. Benfer, C. Siemers, W. Fürbeth
Localised Corrosion Properties of Lanthanum Containing Free-machining Titanium Alloys
Proceedings of the 12th World Conference on Titanium (Ti-2011), Beijing, China, June 19th - 25th 2011, Science Press Beijing, 2012, Vol. 3, pp. 1915 - 1919
H.-E. Zschau, M. Schütze
Surface modification by ion implantation to improve the oxidation resistance of materials for high temperature technology.
in "Ion Implantation", Hrsg. M.S. Goorsky, InTech, Rijeka (2012), 409-436
R.A. Yankov, A. Kolitsch, J. von Borany, A. Mücklich, F. Munnik, A. Donchev, M. Schütze
Surface protection of titanium and titanium-aluminum alloys against environmental degradation at elevated temperatures
Surface and Coatings Technology 206 (2012), 3595-3600
M. Schütze
Diffusion Aspects in High Temperature Corrosion and in the Development of Protective Coatings
Defect and Diffusion Forum 323-325 (2012), 19-29
B. Pelic, D. Rafaja, Patrick J. Masset, H.J. Seifert, L. Bortolotto, M. Schütze, G. Wolf, I. Loeh
Corrosion Behaviour of Ti-48Al-2Nb-2Cr Alloys
Defect and Diffusion Forum 323-325 (2012), 301-307
A. Naji, M. Schütze
Development of Diffusion Coatings to Optimise the High Temperature Corrosion Resistance of Fuel Cell Reformer Materials
Defect and Diffusion Forum 323-325 (2012), 245-251
G. Bonnet, M. Mollard, B. Rannou, J. Balmain, F. Pedraza, X. Montero, M. Galetz, M. Schütze
Initial Aluminizing Steps of Pure Nickel from Al Micro-Particles
Defect and Diffusion Forum 323-325 (2012), 381-386
A. Donchev, M. Schütze, R. Yankov, A. Kolitsch
Efficient oxidation protection of Ti- and TiAl-alloys by fluorine treatments
TMS 2012 Supplemental Proceedings Vol. 2: Materials Properties, Characterization and Modelling, Wiley, Hoboken/USA (2012), 935-940
D. Schmidt, M.C. Galetz, M. Schütze
Improvement of the Oxidation Behavior of Ferritic-Martensitic Steels in Water Vapor Containing Environments
in "Proceedings of Corrosion 2012" (2012), NACE
D. Schmidt, M.C. Galetz, M. Schütze
Improved oxidation resistance of ferritic-martensitic steels in water vapour containing environments via diffusion coatings
Materials at High Temperatures 29 (2012), 159-165
W. Fürbeth
P&A Anstoß: Erfinden Sie den Korrosionsschutz neu?
P&A Prozesstechnik & Automation 9 (2012) 58
A.-R. El-Sayed, U. Harm, K.-M. Mangold, W. Fürbeth
Protection of galvanized steel from corrosion in NaCl solution by coverage with phytic acid SAM modified with some cations and thiols
Corrosion Science 55 (2012) 339-350
A. Donchev, M. Schütze, A. Kolitsch, R. Yankov
Suppressing the α-casing of Ti-alloys by a combined Al- and F-treatment
Ti-2011 Proceedings, Hrsg. L. Zhou, H. Chang, Y. Li, D. Xu, Science Press Beijing/China (2012), 1864-1867
A. Donchev, M. Schütze, A. Kolitsch, R. Yankov
Optimization of the fluorine effect for improving the oxidation resistance of TiAI-alloys
Materials Science Forum 706-709 (2012), 1061-1065
R. Stadler, M. Grooters, A. Kuklinski, W. Sand, W. Fürbeth
Korrosionsschutz durch Bakterien?
D. Jahn (Hrsg.), Zellbiologie und Mikrobiologie - Das Beste aus BIOspektrum, Springer, Heidelberg (2012)
X. Montero, M. Galetz, M. Schütze
A single step process to form in-situ an alumina foam/aluminide TBC system for alloys in extreme environments at high temperatures
Surface and Coatings Technology 206 (2011), 1586-1594
M. Schütze, R. Feser, R. Bender (Hrsg.)
Corrosion Resistance of Copper and Copper Alloys
Wiley-VCH (2011), ISBN: 978-3-527-33224-3
C. Geers, M. Schütze
Lifetime Extension of Alloys for Metal Dusting Applications
in "Proc. EUROCORR 2011" (CD), Stockholm/SE (2011)
K. Aleksandrov, M. Schütze, I. Teliban, E. Quandt
Protective high temperature coatings with sensor function for residual life-time
in "Proc. EUROCORR 2011" (CD), Stockholm/SE (2011)
I. Teliban, C. Thede, S. Chemnitz, C. Bechtold, E. Quandt, T. Hüttel, W. Quadakkers, K. Aleksandrov, M. Schütze
Sensor for monitoring the depletion state of high temperature protective coatings
in "Proc. EUROCORR 2011" (CD), Stockholm/SE (2011)
H.-E. Zschau, M. Schütze
Oxidation Protection of Titanium Aluminides and Ni-base Superalloys at High Temperatures by the Halogen Effect - Principles and Applications
Materials Science Forum 696 (2011), 366-371
M. Schütze, M. Rudolphi
Prediction of Mechanical Scale Failure - Current Status and Perspectives
Materials Science Forum 696 (2011), 138-143
D. Schmidt, M. Schütze
Improved Corrosion Resistance of Superheater Materials in H2O Containing Environments using Mn-Diffusion Coatings
Materials Science Forum 696 (2011), 330-335
M. Schütze
High-Temperature Corrosion
in "Corrosion Mechanisms in Theory and Practice", 3. Ausgabe, Hrsg. P. Marcus, CRC Press (2011), 573-615
H.-E. Zschau, D. Renusch, P.J. Masset, M. Schütze
Formation of a protective alumina scale on Ni-base superalloys by using the halogen effect
Advanced Materials Research 278 (2011), 485-490
S. Neve, P.J. Masset, H.-E. Zschau, M. Schütze
Measurements of fluorine depth-profiles on TiAl turbine blades using ion beam analytical techniques
Materials and Corrosion 62 (2011), 713-716
A. Donchev, A. Kolitsch, M. Schütze, R. Yankov
Combined Al- plus F-treatment of Ti-alloys for improved behaviour at elevated temperatures
Materials and Corrosion 62 (2011), 695-698
K. Aleksandrov, M. Schütze
Depletion sensor for protective high temperature coatings
Materials and Corrosion 62 (2011), 706-712
F. Feil, W. Fürbeth
Rein anorganische Schutzschichten für Magnesiumlegierungen bestehend aus Nanopartikeln und Sol-Gel-Versiegelungen
Galvanotechnik 102 (2011) 1468-1479
M. Schütze, B. Isecke, R. Bender (Hrsg.)
Corrosion Protection against Carbon Dioxide
Wiley-VCH (2011), ISBN: 978-3-527-33145-1
R. Stadler, M. Grooters, A. Kuklinski, W. Sand, W. Fürbeth
Korrosionsschutz durch Bakterien
Bio-Spektrum 17 (2011) 287-290
B. Rammer, M. Schütze
A New Coating Concept for Oxidizing High Chlorine Environments
in "Proceedings of Corrosion 2011" (2011), NACE
C. Geers, M. Schütze
Behavior of nickel-tin coated high temperature materials exposed under metal dusting conditions
in "Proceedings of Corrosion 2011" (2011), NACE
L. Fedrizzi, W. Fürbeth, F. Montemor (eds.)
Self-healing properties of new surface treatments (EFC 58)
Maney Publishing, Leeds (2011), ISBN 978-1-906540-36-4
D.J. Young, J. Zhang, C. Geers, M. Schütze
Recent Advances in Understanding Metal Dusting: A Review
Materials and Corrosion 62 (2011), 7-28
R. Pflumm, M. Schütze
Shark-skin inspired surface engineering on intermetallic titanium aluminides for high temperature applications using the fluorine effect
MRS Proceedings 1295 (2011), 151-156
B. Isecke, M. Schütze, H.-H. Strehblow
Materials Performance Testing - Corrosion
in "Springer Handbook of Metrology and Testing", Hrsg. H. Czichos, T. Saito, L. Smith, Springer (2011), 667-741
A. Donchev, M. Schütze, A. Kolitsch, R. Yankov
Comparison of Different Fluorine-treatments for Improved High Temperature Oxidation Resistance of TiAI-alloys
Sonderbände der Praktischen Metallographie 43 (2011), 77-83
M. Schütze, W. Fürbeth
Korrosionsschutz zur Steigerung der Ressourceneffizienz
Tagungsband Wing.DE_2011_79
F. Depentori, J. Laukart, S. Benfer, C. Siemers, W. Fürbeth
Local corrosion behaviour of free machining titanium alloys investigated by SKPFM and in-situ AFM
Proceedings EUROCORR 2011
S.K. Weidmann, K. Kremmer, M. Schneider, W. Fürbeth
Nanochemical impregnation of Modified Phosphoric Acid Anodised (MPAA) layers - a promising replacement for Chromic Acid Anodising (CAA)
Proceedings EUROCORR 2011
D. Tabatabai, S. Janke, F. Feil, P. Thissen, G. Grundmeier, W. Fürbeth
Self-healing corrosion protective coatings for magnesium alloys by modifying anodising layers with corrosion inhibitors
Proceedings EUROCORR 2011
M. Yekehtaz, S. Benfer, C. Klesen, W. Bleck, W. Fürbeth
Development of innovative nanoparticle-based protective coatings for the production of high-strength steel compounds by press-hardening
Proceedings 2011
A. Kuklinski, R. Stadler, M. Grooters, W.Fürbeth, W. Sand
Studies on corrosion protection for metals by extracellular polymeric substances
Proceedings EUROCORR 2011
S. Benfer, W. Fürbeth
Development of repair layers for technical enamels using micro- and nanoparticles in sol gel systems
Proceedings EUROCORR 2011
B. Zahra, F. Depentori, C. Siemers, J. Rösler
Free-machining Titanium Alloys Based on Ti15V3Al3Cr3Sn
Proceedings of the 12th World Conference on Titanium (Ti-2011), Beijing, China, June 19th - 25th 2011, Science Press Beijing, 2012, Vol. 2, pp. 1597 - 1601
S. Benfer, W. Fürbeth
Entwicklung einer lokalen Reparaturmethode für Schadstellen in emaillierten Behältern
Mitteilungen des Deutschen Emailverbandes e.V. 59 (2011) 74-84