M. Kerbstadt, K. Ma, E.M.H. White, A.J. Knowles, M.C. Galetz
High Temperature Corrosion of mater. 101 (2024), 1077-1089 , DOI: 10.1007/s11085-024-10257-8
Ni-based superalloys are commonly used in gas turbines because of their exceptional high-temperature mechanical properties. To secure a long service life, the materials must also have sufficient corrosion resistance. Therefore, diffusion coatings are widely used to enrich the surface in protective oxide scale-forming elements. For temperatures between 650 and 950 °C, where hot corrosion occurs, Cr-based coatings are advantageous. These are commonly applied via the laborious pack cementation process. Recently, a novel cost-effective Cr/Si slurry coating process has been developed which demonstrated resistance to oxidative high-temperature environments. Here, the protection of the slurry coatings against hot corrosion type I at 900 °C on the Ni-based superalloy Rene 80 is investigated and compared to coatings produced by pack cementation. Prior to the 300-h exposures in air containing 0.1% SO2 at 900 °C, 4 mg/cm2 of Na2SO4 was deposited on the material surfaces. The uncoated Rene 80 exhibited rapid dissolution of the initial oxide scale followed by catastrophic break away oxidation. In comparison, the slurry coatings showed significantly improved hot corrosion resistance compared to the uncoated alloy and a better protection than a Cr pack cementation coating. The Cr pack cemented Rene 80 showed improved hot corrosion resistance, but Cr depletion in the subsurface zone occurred with increasing exposure time, associated with the propagation of Al internal oxidation and increasing sulfidation. In contrast, the slurry coatings formed an external Cr2O3 scale coupled with an agglomeration of SiO2 underneath and a continuous Al2O3 subscale which offered a better diffusion barrier and leading to superior long-term protection against hot corrosion.