Plant-based Extracts - Process Development and Production

12 - 15 October 2014

Plant based extracts are important ingredients for pharmaceuticals, food and cosmetics. As they are made from natural sources, these components are considered healthful and their production sustainable. Extractive techniques for plant materials become increasingly important as the products are in high demand. Currently, technical processes for production of phytoextracts are mostly based on experience. The training course plant based extracts provides you with the scientific background. Design and combination of unit operations, such as solid-phase extraction (solvent-based and supercritical), liquid-liquid extraction and adsorption/chromatography will be addressed. Furthermore, botanical, chemical and analytical basics are presented.

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Nicola Gruß

Phone: +49 69 / 75 64-253

Patrice Mengler

Phone: +49 69 / 75 64-202

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