Oxidation resistance improvement of low Al-content TiAl alloys by the halogen effect

177 ZN

Bild Forschungsprojekt

Hochtemperaturofen in Betrieb

Period: 2005-04-01 to 2007-07-31
Funder: Federal Ministry for Economics and Technology (BMWI, Germany) via AiF
Project Manager: Dr. Patrick Masset
Research Group: High Temperature Materials

Alloys on the basis of TiAl open new possibilities in the high-temperature technology (turbine blades for aeronautics, engine valves for automobiles...) due to their mechanical characteristics at high temperatures. However their use at temperatures above 700 °C is limited by their corrosion resistance. In order to improve the corrosion resistance, fluorination of the alloy can be accomplished by halogen ion implantation into the metal subsurface. The halogen effect improves the oxidation resistance by promoting an Al2O3 protective layer growth. Up to now the halogen effect was mainly applied to alloys with compositions close to 50 At.% aluminium. The goal of this project is to examine the potential of the halogen effect for alloys with Al-contents less than 48 At. %.


Das IGF-Vorhaben Nr. 177 ZN der Forschungsvereinigung DECHEMA e.V., Theodor-Heuss-Allee 25, 60486 Frankfurt am Main wurde über die AiF im Rahmen des Programms zur Förderung der industriellen Gemeinschaftsforschung (IGF) vom Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie aufgrund eines Beschlusses des Deutschen Bundestages gefördert.


PD Dr. Mathias Galetz

Tel.: +49 69 / 7564-397

E-mail: mathias.galetz



Poster (PDF)

A. Donchev, H.-E. Zschau, M. Schütze, in "Trends in Electrochemistry and Corrosion at the Beginning of the 21st Century" (2004), 1097

A. Donchev, B. Gleeson, M. Schütze, Intermetallics 11 (2003), 387

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