Effect of chromium and silicon additions on the hot corrosion resistance of nickel aluminide coatings

B. Grégoire, X. Montero, M.C. Galetz, G. Bonnet, F. Pedraza

Corrosion Science 224 (2023), 111517, DOI: 10.1016/j.corsci.2023.111517


Reprinted from Corrosion Science, Copyright (2023), with permission from Elsevier.

The effects of chromium and silicon modification on the microstructure and hot corrosion resistance of slurry aluminide coatings applied on pure nickel was studied by in-depth microscopic analyses. The simple and the Cr-modified aluminide coatings provided limited protection in Type II hot corrosion conditions but the Si-modified coating exhibited outstanding resistance with no sign of attack after 300 h of isothermal exposure at 700 °C. The synergistic dissolution between NiO and Al2O3/Cr2O3 appears responsible for the onset of the corrosion attack for the simple and Cr-modified coatings while silicon is shown to extend the incubation period.

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